#1: 100 Strokes a Day
Myth. Brushing your hair 100 strokes per day will help it grow longer, keep it shinier, healthier, blah blah blah.
Truth. Marcia Brady didn’t
know her facts. Brushing your hair too much can actually cause it to
break. Brush gently so that your natural oils can be distributed
throughout your hair shafts.
#2: Brushing Wet Hair
Myth. You should never use a brush on wet hair, only use a comb.
Truth. I beg to differ.
The Wet Brush is a dream of a person with tangly hair that has come
true. If you haven’t tried one, you need to. Yes it’s actually called
“The Wet Brush”. They can be purchased at your local salon or at your
nearest Ulta. If all else fails, you can order them online. They’re
#3: Regular Trims
Myth. Getting regular trims will help your hair grow faster.
Truth. If only it were
that easy. Regular trims are extremely important in keeping your locks
healthy, however, the act of cutting it does not make it grow faster.
What it does do is relieving your hair of the ugly split ends. Which
brings us to the next myth about split ends.
#4: Split Ends
Myth. Split ends can be “cured”.
Truth. There is no product
in the world that will heal your split ends. The only solution is to
get them cut off. Once the hair is split, it’s split. The split ends
will either break or split all the way up to your scalp. This is one
reason why it is important to get regular trims as was mentioned above.
There are no conditioners, serums, protein packs out there to seal those
babies up. Go get them cut!
#5: Oily Scalp and Conditioner
Myth. If you have an oily scalp, you shouldn’t use a conditioner.
Truth. Having an oily
scalp can be frustrating but you still need to condition your hair. Use a
clarifying shampoo and a light weight detangling conditioner.
Detanglers are meant to stay on top of the cuticle so as not to weigh
your hair down.
#6: Drugstore Hair Products / Professional Hair Products
Myth. Drugstore brand hair products are just as good as professional salon products.
Truth. I personally will
not try to sell my clients something that they don’t need. However, I
know for a fact that most professional products are better than
drugstore brands. So, when I smell the remnants of Pantene rolling off
of their hair as I shampoo them with my Aquage Biomega Moisture I feel
the need to educate them as to why they need to buy what I use and
recommend. Professional products use higher quality ingredients. You
know the old saying “you get what you pay for”? This rings true for most
things. You’re not going to buy a dress from Forever 21 and have it
last as long as a well tailored Christian Dior.
#7: Dandruff Myth
Myth. Having dandruff means you have a dry scalp.
Truth. Dandruff is
actually a result of an oily scalp. Those snowflakes on your shoulders
are caused by a type of yeast called Malassezia that grows in an oily
environment. Dandruff could also be a symptom of contact dermatitis,
which is just a result of something coming into contact with your skin
that doesn’t agree with you. Paul Mitchell’s Special Tea Tree shampoo is
perfect for controlling dandruff. Tea Tree is known for its anti-fungal
#8: Pregnancy and Coloring
Myth. You shouldn’t color your hair when you are pregnant.
Truth. This is debatable.
However, it has been proven that a minuscule amount of color gets into
your blood stream. You could always opt for a balayage. That’s a hair
painting technique in which color isn’t applied directly to the scalp.
Or you could ask for a Semi permanent color. Semi permanent colors don’t
have peroxide or ammonia in them. Bottom line, for anything medical
consult your physician and don’t do anything that you are not
comfortable with.
#9: Shampoo Suds
Myth. The more suds your shampoo produces as you’re bathing your locks the cleaner your locks will be…
Truth. I will be the first
one to admit that I love the bubbles. I feel like my hair is getting
uber clean if I see a whole mess of bubbles on the shower floor. Sorry
babes this isn’t true. Shampoos are primarily made up of surfactants.
Surfactants are responsible for those luscious bubbles and the ability
to clean the hair. There are shampoos that are just as effective that
don’t produce as many suds. Those bubble-less shampoos usually aren’t
the best sellers.
#10: Beer
Myth. Using beer to rinse your hair will make it stronger, thicker, and shinier…
Truth. Um, no. The alcohol
in the beer is extremely dehydrating to your hair. There is a protein
in the beer that supposedly repairs the hair, nevertheless the alcohol
overpowers that. Sorry guys and dolls.
#11: Going Outside with Wet Hair
Myth. Walking outside with wet hair will make you sick.
Truth. Colds are caused by
a virus. Having a wet head might make you feel chilly, but that’s about
it. So when your mom yells at you for leaving with a wet head telling
you, “you’re gonna get sick!” just humor her;)
#12: Switching Shampoos
Myth. Switching shampoos every so often is good for your hair.
Truth. This is neither
true of false. If your hair is feeling flat, you probably just need to
clarify it to remove any build up from styling products. If you have
been using the same shampoo for a year and your hair feels fine, keep
using it. It’s always fun to try out new things, however, this isn’t a
necessity for your hair.
#13: Curly / Straight Hair Cut
Myth. Curly hair can be cut the same way as straight hair.
Truth. This is definitely
false. If you are a curly haired babe who embraces those curly q’d coils
of perfection do not let your stylist straighten your hair to cut it.
Straightening curly hair to cut it can cause your stylist to cut too
much or cut into your curl pattern too much. As my fellow stylist and
friend Vincenzo Jonluca Lauretta says “Cutting into the curl pattern too
much, takes away from the natural form causing it to be more square…and
curly girls hate square hair.”
#14: Pulling Out a Grey Hair
Myth. Pulling out a grey hair will cause two more to come in
Truth. I love this one!
No, two more will not come in. Just like waxing your brows or mustache
will make it grow in thicker…not true. Pulling out gray hairs can
actually cause scarring and bald spots, so just leave those annoying
hairs alone.
#15: Thinning Hair
Myth. Thinning hair or hair loss only occurs in older women
Truth. There are several
different factors that cause thinning and hair loss. Hormones, hormones,
hormones! I lost clumps of hair 3 months postpartum. My hormones were
so out of whack. Hair loss can also just be hereditary. This accounts
for about 95% of hair loss in both men and women. Even if you aren’t
hormonal and you don’t have the hair loss gene, you can still experience
thinning and hair loss from your hair being over processed with
chemicals and coloring or wearing your hair in tight braids or
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